It's a very general concept, the idea that your employer offers benefits, yet somehow I think (me included) we kind of glaze over this idea of benefits within a company. Before you accepted your current position, did you ask what benefits were included? Did you hear the standard, "Health, Dental, Vision, 401k, PTO"? Actually, that's on most job postings. It take a little bit more digging to really determine the fine print of benefits for a company.
While brainstorming ways we wanted to assist businesses in supporting their working mom demographic, I thought back and reverse engineered my experience when I re-entered the workforce after being home for a year with my baby. I needed support with time management, flexibility, grace periods, proper places to pump or regroup, mental health resources access, child care time off that didn't deduct from my pto, and did I mention flexibility?
There are so many things that need to change and the conversation needs to change around working motherhood. The good and the bad. We are superwomen, but we don't HAVE to be. We have support systems, we need directions. Here is what we can offer your company, whether you're the owner, administration, HR rep, or employee, this is where we start.
1. Supervisor Training: We are creating courses and webinars for your leadership teams to watch and participate in. They are tailor made for each business based on what is needed on coaching, growing, and managing women in the working motherhood stage of life. Especially focused on the return from maternity leave.
2. Compliance Training: There are many spaces where working moms experience negative feedback, comments, and often feel like an outsider when coming back to work. Mostly from not feeling understood, like they are slacking, or simply not performing "like they used to". The conversation needs to change and we're here to help.
3. Real Benefits: This one is my favorite! Yea PTO is nice and good 401k matching program is wonderful! But what happens when your sitter cancels or daycare closes at 2pm randomly? (This happened to me a few times!) Should 4 hours be deducted from vacation time? Is that a vacation? No. We are going to help companies implement better Kin Care packages, working from home options on an as needed basis, and the ability to make up hours if this fits the company's needs.
4. Holistic Health Support: We will be working on providing free e-books, support groups, group coaching on mindset, positive parenting, managing anxiety, and eating for success. Just as you'll receive your health insurance, this will be an added bonus part of your employers benefits package.
5. Health Workshops: Provided that the location is close or other travel arrangements, we will come and host workshops. There are plenty of topics that can be covered so this will be based on the needs of the company.
Nothing changes if nothing changes. If your company or you know of a company who could use some of these services, please reach out here!
Let's start somewhere!
Giana, Founder